"G" Jerry Truglia

About "G" Jerry Truglia
"G" is a ASE World Class Technician, ASE Triple Master Technician, L1, L3, A9, X1, CNG F1,C1, and G1. "G" (Jerry) Truglia is recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency as one of the foremost OBD II experts, technicians, and trainers in the country. He provides technical material, is an author and technical advisor for the New York automotive technology training program and has authored numerous books and magazine articles. "G" also provided automotive training to the United States Marine Corps in Okinawa, Japan. He has also work for Peugeot in France, ATRA in Australia, ASA, ASACA (Instructor of the Year Award - 2 years), ASAKC and many colleges, trade school besides providing Train the Train to instructors for ATC, Lincoln Tech, UTI, Ohio Diesel and others.